Birthday Weekend Trip Report Day One
A bit of background: For as long as I have been with Rob we have always gotten these cute little cards every holiday with pictures of a little girl on them. And when I say EVERY holiday I mean it. She sent one out for St. Patty’s Day, Valentines Day, Easter, and so on and so on. They were sent by Rob’s old friend from school Kerry and the little girl featured on the cards was her little girl Bailey. I had never met them but I pretty much got to watch the little girl grow up in pictures.
We have talked often about taking a trip up to Cayucos to see them since it is only about two hours away but we just never seemed to all get together on it at the right time.
Thus my surprise. He was taking me to Cayucos for the weekend and I would finally meet Kerry and her family and basically have a stay at a hotel(which he knows I love) and just relax and chill out for the weekend.
We left work at five and headed out to this little beach town. It’s about 20 mins from San Louis Obisbo and is an easy drive up the highway. About ten miles away from our hotel our GPS told us to turn off onto a very creepy, very curvy road. One lane with sharp turns and not much in the way of civilization. As we turned onto the road, Rob turned to me and said: “Remember that movie The Hills Have Eyes? We aren’t stopping for ANYTHING!”
We managed to make it off that road without having car trouble and then being mangled to death by maniacs and found our hotel with no problem.
We knew when we booked the room that it was going to be a small little motel. They had a website but the reservations were not available online. But the price was right and they accepted pets and the first choice of hotels was all booked up due to a wedding so we booked over the phone.
When we arrived what we found was a small motel built off of a house and run by a couple that lived in said house. He took our info and gave us our keys…and I do mean keys. He handed us the first set of actual keys to a hotel room that I have seen since I lived in Maine. No key cards, and actual key with the big tacky plastic key ring announcing your room number on it. I suddenly was no longer worried about the movie The Hills Have Eyes and was more worried about the movie Vacancy!
We got to our room and discovered that the pictures of the rooms on the internet were kind of deceiving when it came to the size of the room. Yeah, the room was TINY! It had a double bed because…no bigger bed would fit, but the thing that made it
that much smaller were the two white wicker chairs that were on either side of the room. Without them the room might be okay but as it stands now we are on top of each other and then cramped in the bed. Oh well. We knew we had to live with it.
We unpacked what we could and then headed out in search of what was within walking distance of the hotel and possibly for dinner. What we found was very little but we did find an italian/mexican place that also served burgers. On our way to the food place we had passed a coffee shop that Rob had researched online. They were having an open mic night and he wanted to check it out so while I waited for the food he ran up there.
A few minutes later he called me to tell me that he was going to go get his guitar and then hang out for a while. I told him that was cool and would bring the food back to the motel.
Last night was uneventful. Rob played for awhile at the coffee shop and then came back. We ate and puttered around and went to bed.
Day Two to follow soon
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