
Reno Trip Report Part Two

So last night we ventured down the casino one more time in search of food. We ordered some take out from the Mexican place they have here and then gambled on a couple of machines for a while. No big wins but so far we are only down 25.00 in gambling for the trip thus far.
We got our food and came back up to the room and then same as last night we ate and watched TV and went to bed.

This morning we got up and hit the breakfast buffet-actually getting it for free this time. We hit it around 10:00 and it was fairly crowded. By the time we left it was getting deserted so we figured everyone ran in to have breakfast before check out time, given that it’s Sunday.


Rob’s Breakfast


My Breakfast


After we stuffed ourselves we walked over to the mini golf and plunked down our six dollars each for a round. My first hole I actually got a hole in one! Since I never play I was pretty excited. In the end Rob won by two strokes but I did get a second hole in one on the 16th hole.


Hole in one bitches!!!!


After we were done with golf we wandered over to the go cart racing area and raced. There wasn’t a crowd so it was just Rob and I on the track but it was really fun. And my arms are going to be soooo sore tomorrow.


They take their racing seriously!

When we were done we headed back to the hotel room and ran through our options of what we wanted to do with the rest of the day. Rob had mentioned that there was a huge sporting goods store a few miles away that had a Ferris wheel in the middle of it and that he’d like to see that so we headed down to the car and took off.
The place really was huge, and while we weren’t really in the market for sporting goods it had some really cool exhibits. We ended up taking more pictures there than we have the whole trip.


Welcome to Sheels!



What does the fox say??



The archway at the entrance was a giant fish tank.



Quite the catch!


On the way home we stopped at TJ Maxx and I got a darling sweater, driving gloves, hat and scarf combo, lip gloss and new head phones all for under 50.00. I love clearance!
Now we are back up in the room and are relaxing a bit. Our plans for the night are to go bowling and play some more gamble. While I was at TJ Maxx Rob hit up Target and got us some salads for dinner tonight. Cheap and light…I thought it was a good idea since we are hitting up another free breakfast buffet in the morning.

That’s all for now.

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About Me


I am a 50 something married woman living in California.
I enjoy music and traveling, watching crap movies, snuggling with my two adorable dogs and trying to be a good person.

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