
Things to do and NOT to do before your birthday

Okay I am turning 34 tomorrow and heading to Vegas for the weekend so I thought I would put together a list of things you should do and not do right before your vacation birthday.

1) DO: enjoy a fabulous lunch with your girls!  Enjoy every bit of their time and thank goodness you have them in your life.

2) DO: Talk to the friend you are traveling with and plan your fabulous weekend.  It is half as exciting as the actual vacation.

3) DO: Pack and get everything squared away for the trip.

4) DO: Shave your legs and pits for a weekend trip.  Can’t pack your razor if you aren’t checking a bag!

5) DO NOT: decide to give yourself a makeshift pedicure the night before your flight.  Especially when you “shave” off too much skin and can’t stop bleeding

6) DO NOT: pretend like you can stop the bleeding and you didn’t do anything wrong from your husband that is VERY worried.

7) DO: sit and wait until you both figure something out and put pressure on your big toe bleeder.

8) DO: thank goodness that the bleeding has finally stopped and you can just chalk it up to stupidity.

9) DO: finish packing and eat dinner.

10) DO: Try really hard to sleep, knowing that you get to fly out to Vegas the next day!

I hope this has helped all of you.

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I am a 50 something married woman living in California.
I enjoy music and traveling, watching crap movies, snuggling with my two adorable dogs and trying to be a good person.

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