Annual Year in Review 2007
The month started with us adopting a new dog, Pappy, and adjusting to all that it meant. Jim got shipped back to Iraq and my mom broke her arm.
My MIL had major back surgery and Renee’, James and I met in Reno for another gambling visit!
We enrolled and started Pappy in some training classes.
I hate to say but I didn’t blog in April so I have no idea what I was up to.
Both Rob and mines birthdays were in May, but more important we flew to Phoenix for Brian and Stephs wedding and then got to catch up with DD and Alan.
Didn’t blog in June and am not sure.
My finger infection acted up again…We went to Monterey Pride for the first time and we saw Die Hard 4 in the theatre, and I had issues about my computer at work. Also I get tendenitis of my ankle.
I wished on the lottery and lost, We go to the Watsonville races and Pappy gets a nasty spider bite near his peepee.
We had a week in Vegas with my Mommy where we didn’t win but Rob and I both got new hair.
We headed up to Sac-town to go to Renee’s going away party, and we also go see a local band Rob is friends with in San Jose.
Pappy dresses up like a Pimp Daddy and gets in the local paper. Also I launch my youtube cooking show.
We head up to San Jose and spend the night at Rudy and Jades. We spend Thanksgiving with my inlaws and Pappy loves it!
Xmas at our house is nothing special but we have a pot luck at work and go to my inlaws at Xmas where Pappy loves it again! 🙂
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