The Day I Should Have Stayed In Bed.
I apparently learned nothing from last Friday night when I had an iced coffee at rehearsal and then couldn’t get to sleep. Yup, I did the same thing again. So this morning I woke up around 9:30ish and played with the dog a bit before my alarm clock Rob told me I had to be in the shower and out of the house soon. So I showered and picked out my clothes and before I knew it I was running late. Rob nuked some leftover Mexican food(chimi and rice) and put it in my bag and handed me our new Starbucks iced coffee container. If you haven’t seen them they are just a beverage container that snaps shut so it doesn’t leak. This was our first use of the cup…this comes into play later.
I headed out of the house and discovered our neighbor had some friends parked right outside our gate. After many attempts at backing up and moving forward, backing up and moving forward, I was finally able to make it out of our driveway and head out(it is important to note that this particular neighbor was the man that spearheaded a campaign to get NO PARKING signs put in on our street. There is one right where his friend parked their car…)
As I hit the road I remember that today is the Carmel Valley Fiesta. I remember this because there is a man standing in the middle of the road holding a detour sign and waving me onto a street that I am not familiar with. I shrug it off and follow the rest of the traffic, popping open the spout to my new iced coffee cup and taking a slurp. Eventually I realize I am not going in the correct direction and have to stop and turn around. This would be strike two I believe.
Finally on familiar ground I start over the grade. This is a road where you go up over a very curvy mountain top and down the other side. I realize I am starving so I pop open the container of food Rob has so wonderfully provided for me and eat the rest of the chimichanga like a wild savage while navigating to the top of the grade. At the top I reach for my iced coffee. Having drank from it before there is absolutely no reason for me to think that there should be a problem. I flip the top open and am immediately showered all over my right leg with coffee.
So I guess there is this thing with airtight containers and elevation…
Um, yeah.
Cursing and trying to steer over curvy roads in search of napkins, I decide that I am not currently liking today.
I make it into Monterey and was cut off at a stop light from someone who ran the light, leaving me in the middle of the intersection. Still not liking today.
Traffic was hell and I managed to get into rehearsal right on time(I usually like to be a few minutes early).
Rehearsal was fine and when we were released I headed out to my car. Now this part, I admit was totally my fault. I was parked in a 90 minute spot and totally forgot to go out and move my car. Yeah, I got my very first parking ticket.
I was done. Defeated. The day had won and I had lost. I got in the car and decided the hell with the diet! I had heard fabulous things about Gianni’s Pizza and it was right up the road so I headed on over.
Oh. My. God. That was the best pizza I had ever had. I got the Alfredo pizza and it was so good I even ate the mushrooms(hate mushrooms!).
My original plan was to go shoe shopping for the vow renewal but I just couldn’t imagine it. Not today.
So let’s review:
Saturday, August 7 2010=shitty
Gianni’s Pizza=fabulous
Thank you and good night.
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